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Explanation: While countries like India, China, and Japan saw reserve increases, the USA's reserves remained relatively unchanged.
Which is a preservation method in which food sealed in container is subjected to elevated temperature for definite period of time
. Opening up of monopoly markets to increase foreign and domestic competition is:
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
Active packaging systems use oxygen scavengers while packaging grated cheese to:
Which of the following helps to retain color of meat
The hormone responsible for promoting stomatal closure and water conservation during drought stress is:
What is the primary causal organism of leaf rust in coffee plants?
An organized educational activity for involving and educating farmers by bringing together the farmers, scientists, extension workers, input agencies, d...
Another term for provitamin is:
Colors are used to classify toxicity levels in insecticide. Which level of toxicity is depicted by blue color?