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● Option A is incorrect: John Lawrence (1864– 69) started a policy of masterly inactivity. It was an outcome of practical common sense and an intimate knowledge of the frontier problem and of Afghan passion for independence. Lawrence’s policy rested on the fulfillment of two conditions: that the peace at the frontier was not disturbed and no candidate in the civil war sought foreign help. The policy meant no British envoys or troops were sent to Afghanistan, and civilian explorers were prohibited from wandering beyond the frontier ● Option B is incorrect: Auckland who came to India as the governor general in 1836, advocated a forward policy. This implied that the Company government in India itself had to take initiatives to protect the boundary of British India from a probable Russian attack. This objective was to be achieved either through treaties with the neighboring countries or by annexing them completely ● Option C is incorrect: Treaty of ‘Eternal Friendship’: The British wanted to create a barrier between Russia and British India. To achieve this, Lord Minto sent three delegations to forge alliances. Accordingly, Metcalfe was sent to Lahore, Elphinstone to Kabul, and Malcolm to Teheran. Sindh was visited by Nicholas Smith, who met the Amirs to conclude a defensive arrangement. After negotiations, the Amirs agreed to a treaty— their first-ever treaty with the English. After professing eternal friendship, both sides agreed to exclude the French from Sindh and to exchange agents at each other’s court. ● Option D is correct: Lytton became the Viceroy of India in 1876. He started a new foreign policy of ‘proud reserve’, which was aimed at having scientific frontiers and safeguarding ‘spheres of influence’. Lytton invaded Afghanistan, leading to the Second AngloAfghan War. Britain won all the battles and ultimately the Treaty of Gandamak was signed . It provided that the Amir conduct his foreign policy with the advice of the Government of India and a permanent British resident be stationed at Kabul. Ripon rapidly reversed Lytton’s aggressive policy and went back to the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of a strong and friendly Afghanistan.
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