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● Statement 1 is correct: Sepoy mutiny 1857- There was No Unified Ideology. The mutineers did not have a clear understanding of colonial rule. They had no forward-looking programme, a political perspective or a societal alternative. The rebels simply represented diverse elements with differing grievances and concepts of current politics. ● Statement 2 is incorrect: Most rulers of the Indian states and the big zamindars, selfish to the core and fearful of British might, refused to join in. Governor-General Canning later called these rulers as the breakwaters to the storm which would have otherwise swept us in one great wave. The zamindars of Bengal were also loyal to the Britishers as they were all made by the British. Taluqdars of Awadh backed after land restitution was promised to them. Moneylenders saw their class interests better protected under British patronage. So they didn’t support the 1857 revolt. ● Statement 3 is incorrect: The modern educated Indians also did not support the Revolt. They were against appeals to superstitions by the rebels and the opposition of progressive social measures by them. The educated Indians wanted to end the backwardness of the country. They mistakenly believed that British rule would help them accomplish these tasks of modernization while the rebels would take the country backward.
The Reserve Bank of India has granted a banking licence to Unity Small Finance Bank Ltd (USFBL). One of its promoters is _____________.
Local currency account maintained by a local bank for a foreign (correspondent) bank is called-
Who regulates Indian Corporate Debt Market?
Which of the following statement/s is/are NOT correct about Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?
i. LLP is a not a s...
All single payment transactions of Rs. ______ crore and above undertaken by entities (non-individuals) should include remitter and beneficiary LEI infor...
An offer of new securities by a listed company to it-s existing shareholders on a pro-rata basis, is called -
Which is the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ?
Which policy determines the free conversion of domestic currency with international currencies?
Which of the following is considered Non Tax Revenue of the Govt., of India as projected in the Union Budget?
Which of the following is true about the Debit Card of the Banks?
I. By Automated Teller Machine customers can deposit or withdraw money from the...