● Significance/Consequences of Battle of Plassey 1757: 1. Mir Jafar was proclaimed as Nawab of Bengal 2. Robert Clive confirmed as the Governor of Bengal 3. The English company was granted undisputed right to free trade in Bengal, Bihar & Orissa. 4. The company was granted Zamindari of 24 parganas near Calcutta 5. All the French settlements in Bengal were surrendered to the company. 6. The British emerged as kingmaker in Bengal ● Statement C is Incorrect: In Battle of Buxar 1764, in the treaty concluded with Bengal, it was decided that Naib-Subahdar could be nominated as well as removed, only with consent of EIC.
A person sees a train passing over 4 km long bridge. The length of the train is half that of bridge if the train clears the bridge in 8 mins. What is th...
The distance covered by a train in (5y – 1) hours is (125y³ – 1) km. The speed of the train is.
Train A running with a sped of 90 km/h crosses a vertical pole in 12 seconds. Speed of train A is 5 m/s less than speed of train B, and length of train ...
A train travelling with a speed of 36 km/h can cross a pole in 9 seconds. Find the time taken by the train to cross a 180 metres long platform if the sp...
Two trains of equal lengths take 20 seconds and 30 seconds respectively to cross a telegraph post. If the length of each train be 240 metres, in what ti...
Train 'M' takes 2 hours less than Train 'N' to travel a distance of 150 km. The speed of Train 'M' is 20 km/h more than that of Train 'N'. What is the t...
A train crosses a stationary tree in 13 seconds and a 150-meter-long bridge in 18 seconds. If a dog is walking in the same direct...
A train takes 18 seconds to cross a platform and 6 seconds to cross a pole. If the length of the train is 70 metres less than the length of the platform...
Two trains approach each other at 19 kmph and 23 kmph from 2 places 210 km apart. After how many hours they will meet?
Two trains A and B, were proceeding in the same direction on parallel tracks at 22 km/hr and 76 km/hr respectively. A man noticed that it took exactly 1...