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· Statement 1 is correct: The Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453 and established a virtual monopoly over trade in pepper and also controlled trade routes in Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. In response the Europeans had no other choice than to find a direct sea route to India via Africa to satisfy the growing demands of their market. · Statement 2 is correct: Venice and Genoa which were earlier active in trade in oriental goods were too small to stand up to the Turks and Venice came to terms with the Turks. To continue their trading activities the Genoese aided the west European countries such as Spain and Portugal to find a direct sea route to India through Africa. · Statement 3 is correct: The Portugese wanted to counterpoise the growing power of the Turks and Arabs by converting the population of Africa and Asia, whom they considered as heathens to chistianity with the prior permission of the Pope in 1453. · Statement 4 is correct: Rise in growing demand for oriental goods, with the increase in economy in Europe during the early part of 15th century. There was an increase in supply of meat that led to increased demand for pepper and spices to make the market palatable.
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1. The conference focused on preparing for the 29th C...
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