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• Statement 1 is correct: Large scale participation of women was an important feature of the Civil Disobedience Movement. During the Salt March women participated in large numbers, took part in protest marches and manufactured salt.They also picketed foreign cloth and liquor shops • Statement 2 is correct: Indian Statutory Commission/Simon Commission was appointed by the British government in 1927 under the chairmanship of John Simon to review the workings of Government of India Act 1919 and to suggest future measures. The Indians boycotted the Simon Commission because it had no Indian members. The Congress also decided to oppose it and subsequently, Gandhi started the Civil Disobedience Movement. • Statement 3 is correct: Lahore Congress of 1929 declared Poorna Swaraj/complete independence as the national demand and the Congress was determined to reach the goal by mass civil disobedience movements throughout the country. Therefore, Gandhi inaugurated the civil disobedience movement by breaking the Salt Law at Dandi. • Statement 4 is incorrect: The Rich peasants were supporters of the civil disobedience movement. They were hit hard by the trade depression and falling prices. With their income decreasing rapidly, they found it impossible to pay the government’s revenue demand. The government also refused to reduce the revenue demand which led to widespread resentment among the rich peasants.
biomass energy solutions could (A)/ inadequate infrastructure limit their reach (B)/ while solar-powered irrigation and (C)/ transform agriculture, high...
The suggestion that terrorists must be lynched is not a good idea as a vigilante approach in a democratic country is not acceptable.
...With no particular apprehension for his neighbouring future, he fell asleep.
The watchman prevent him from parking his car near the gate.
Improve the bold part of the sentence. Choose ‘No improvement’ as an answer if the sentence is grammatically correct.
A man may die, na...
Which of the phrases A, B, C and D given below each sentence should replace the word/phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically co...
When I was a candidate, the polls said that the majority of voters disagreed in my opposition to the death penalty.
...You will come to my party tomorrow, will you ?
The company recently surprised its employees by gifting them for a bicycle each .
It was a sturdy house (completing) with a fine fireplace and chimney.