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· Statement 1 and 2 are correct: The British government passed the Salt Act in 1882. · This act prohibited Indians from marketing salt and created a government monopoly on the manufacture and sale of salt. Salt could be manufactured and handled only at official government salt depots, with an imposition of tax. • Indian citizens under this act were forced to purchase salt from British traders. These traders also charged a heavy tax on salt. • Gandhi believed that Salt tax was not only unjust but Salt was a basic essential part of food and because of its universal importance, the effort to remove the salt tax would win the support of all classes of the Indian population . • The salt tax represented 8.2% of the British Raj tax revenue, and hurt the poorest Indians the most significantly. Explaining his choice, Gandhi said, "Next to air and water, salt is perhaps the greatest necessity of life.
Some jeans are not shirt.
All shirts are pant.
Some pants are not blazers.
I. Some blaze...
Only a few floods are rain
No Rain is a Clouds
All Clouds are Drought.
Some Roof are Drought
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at varianc...
Only a few Wire are Cable.
Some Cable are Line.
All Wire are Socket.
I. Some Cable are Wi...
Only Lift are Stair.
All Ladder are Lift.
No Lift is a Step.
I. Some Ladder being Stair is n...
All Curtain are Wall
Only a few Rod are Curtain
No Sticker is Rod
I. No Sticker is Wall
II. All Sticker are Wall is a possibility
Statements:a.Some dogs are not rats
b. Some rats are lions
Conclusions:I. Some dogs are not lions
II. Some lions are not dogs
Statements: All frocks are skirts.
No pant is a frock.
Some dresses are pants.
Conclusions: I. Some skirts are not frocks.
Statements: All bulls are cows.
No cow is ox.
Statements :
All summers are winters.
Some winters are autumns.
Conclusions :
I. All summers are autumns.
II. Some summers are not autumns.