· August offer came at a time, when the British Government was at a worse corner as almost all the nations of Europe fell down before the German army and England alone was trying to stand strongly to face the nazi army. Following were the proposals under the August Offer of 1940. Dominion status as the objective for India The Viceroy’s Executive Council would be expanded right away to include for the first time more Indians than whites. However, defence, finance and home portfolios were to remain with the British. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect. An advisory war council was to be established. Hence, statement 2 is correct. A representative Indian body would be formed after the war to frame a constitution for India Hence, statement 3 is correct. An assurance was given to the minorities that no transfer of power would take place “to any system of government whose authority is directly denied by large and powerful elements in Indian national life.”
Which of the following is not anti- viruses’ software?
A large network that usually spans several buildings in the same city or town that connects two or more computers, communicating devices or networks in ...
Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer?
ASCII is a coding system that provides
To select an entire row, the combination of keys to be pressed is:
To move a copy of file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called?
Unauthorized copying of software to be used for personal gain instead of for personal backups is called
Replace’ option is available in ________________.
What type of web technology creates an online community where people can make statements and others can read and respond to those statements?
A storage device or medium where the access time is dependent upon the location of the data is called