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· Statement 1 is correct: The element of spontaneity was higher than any of the movements India saw till now. The great significance was that the movement placed the demand of independence on the immediate agenda of the national movement and after the Quit India movement , there could be no retreat. The movement established the truth that it was no longer possible to rule India without the wishes of the Indians. · Statement 2 is correct: Although marital law was not applied, the repression was severe. Agitating crowds were lathi charged, tear gassed and fired upon. The number of those killed is estimated at 10,000. The press was muzzled, the military took over many cities and there was severe police repression. Rebellious villages were fined heavily and, in many villages, mass flogging was done. · Statement 3 is correct: In february 1943, Gandhi started a fast as an answer to an exhortation by the government to condemn violence, the fast was directed against the violence of the state. The popular response to the news of the fast was immediate and overwhelming- protests were organized at home and abroad through hartals, demonstrations and strikes. To endorse this at the government level, three members of the viceroy’s executive council resigned, exposing the government's high handedness.
Which of the following erosion is the removal of soil by running water with the formation of an areas of small branching channels. It can be removed by ...
One kilogram of nitrogen is equivalent to which of the following quantity of urea?
Durgapura Kesar is an important cultivator of:
Which aquaculture technology involves stocking different fish species that are compatible and non-competitive, utilizing various feeding zones of a pond...
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum survives in soil in the form of:
Dapog method of nursery raising is followed in
Which of the following is generally used for reclamation of soil acidity?
According to estimation, how much cultivated area in India will remain rainfed even after reaching the full irrigation potential?
Match set A (instrument) with set B (measured parameter)
The areas suffering from non-availability of ground water due to over exploitation are popular referred to as which of the following?