· Statement 1, 2 and 3 are correct: It was founded by M.G. Ranade and Raghunath Rao. Its first session was held in Madras in 1887. It was virtually a social reform cell of Indian National congress. It advocated for inter-caste marriages and it also launched a pledge movement to inspire the masses to prohibit the child marriage. It also opposed polygamy and was in favour of inter-caste marriages. · Statement 4 is incorrect: It met annually as a subsidiary convention of Indian national Congress, at the same venue, and focused attention on social reform.
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Six boxes W, M, P, N, C and D, are kept one above the other however not in this particular order. The box, which is kept at the bottommost position is n...
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___ lives immediately above D in the same type of flat.
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Which person among the following likes Badminton?
On which floor does H live?