Emperor Ashoka, one of the most distinguished rulers of the Mauryan Empire, commissioned the construction of the Sanchi Stupa, which is one of the oldest stone structures in India and an important monument of Buddhist art and architecture.
How is G related to E?
How is E related to I?
How is K related to J?
Raj is the brother of Rishu. Karni is the sister of Ajay. Rishu is the son of Karni. How is Raj related to Ajay?
If P is the brother of W, then how will P be related to the mother-in-law of H?
Sonam introduced a woman in a function, “She is the wife of the only son of my father’s brother’. How is the woman related to Sonam?
A and Z are siblings. B has two children and he is son of Y, who is father-in-law of C. C has only one son. Z is not granddaughter of Y. How is A relate...
How is T’s father related to W, if W is a female?
How is C related to D?
How is M related to J?