The Quit India Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8, 1942, demanding an end to British rule in India.
Global Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index lets us understand the degree of Poverty of an individual on many dimensions. A person is multi-dimensionally po...
How much provision is required for an asset which is there in a doubtful category upto 12 months?
Which of the following banks has listed its USD 1 billion additional tier- I (AT-1) bonds on the IFSC (International Financial Services Centre) exchange...
In a repurchase agreement, the percentage difference between the repurchase price and amount borrowed is equal to:
Government has restructured the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) as Revamped RGSA on 13.04.2022 for implementation fr...
Who is the head of the committee appointed for Capital Account Convertibility in Banks?
Which of the following is a key eligibility criterion for availing funding under the ARISE project funding product?
Which currency did Zimbabwe launch and is backed by gold reserves to address economic instability?
Which of the following public sector bank has launched the Aarogyam healthcare business loan?
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank celebrated its ________ foundation day on 11th November, 2021.