What was the primary aim of the Hindustan Republican Association formed in 1924?
The Hindustan Republican Association aimed to establish the Federal Republic of United States of India through armed rebellion and other revolutionary activities, challenging colonial rule with a vision of democratic self-governance.
(15.87% of 79.98 + 19.69% of 64.22) × 4.83 = ?
25.22 of 359.98% + 499.99 ÷ 25.18 = ?
(20.23% of 780.31) + ? + (29.87% of 89.87) = 283
√31684.11 × √728.9 – (19.02)2 = ? × 4.99
960.11 ÷ 23.98 × 5.14 – 177.9 = √?
49.99% of 5400 + 923=?
[15.87% of 599.97 + 40.08 × ?] ÷ 4.04 = 8.082.02
(?)2 + 4.113 = 24.92 – 32.03
(2220.23 ÷ 36.98) + (768.32 ÷ 23.9) + 1644.11 = ?
74.856% of 639.98 - 15.098 of √145 = ? of 14.972