'The Story Teller' is a renowned oil painting by Amrita Sher-Gil created in 1937. It captures a scene of village women involved in mundane tasks, portraying the cultural essence and daily life in rural India. This piece achieved a record sale price at a global auction.
Who won the 2021 United States Grand Prix?
Which of the following statements best describes an InvIT?
Recently Manik Shah was appointed the new CM of which state?
...With which state, 'Praja Palana Guarantee Darakasthu' is related?
Who was crowned Miss Grand International 2024?
A tripartite agreement “Manipur super 50” has recently been signed between SBIF, NEIDO and ___?
Home Ministry has declared Delhi headquarters of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL) as a ‘prohibited place’ un...
What is the GST rate likely to be applied to pre-packaged cereals, pulses, and flour packets of over 25 kg?
The National Payments Corporation of India International recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Lyra Network of __________ that will a...
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently collaborated with which global tech firm to fuel the growth of space technology startups in the country?