Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the Union Government is focusing on the balanced growth of every region. He said the emphasis today is on satisfaction, not on appeasement. The PM was addressing a gathering after inaugurating and laying the foundation stone for various projects worth 4 thousand 800 crore rupees at Silvasa today. These include the first-ever Medical College- NAMO Medical Education and Research Institute at Silvasa. He reaffirmed the commitment of the government towards infrastructure development of the region. The PM said during the past nine years the government has developed a new work culture that stresses on timely completion of developmental projects. He said during the last nine years, industrial growth has got a boost in the region. The PM said the new medical college will reduce the burden on the existing public health infrastructure and will hugely beneficial the tribal population of the region.
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No subst...
Select the option that can be used as a one-word-substitute for the given group of words.
A person who is very interested in and enthusiastic a...
Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the bold segment in the given sentence.
When I reached home late, I found my children w...
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the bold segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select 'No substitution'...
Select the word that best expresses the meaning of the underlined word.
A corrupt officer is a disgrace to the whole department....
much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc.
...Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.
One who examines a company’s financial records
1. Churlish
2. Dash
3. Retain
4. Chivalrous
...What is the term for a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the highest good?
Alleged - He is alleged to have completed the whole project all by himself.