Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced three online services to digitally empower people, and said that Persons With Disabilities (PwDs) will now get their pensionary benefits at home. The newly launched online services are: Pro-active Divyang Pension Service, 'Tau se Poochho' WhatsApp chatbot and online booking of government rest houses. "These IT initiatives will prove to be a milestone in the state government's vision of paperless and transparent governance,".
The earliest evidence of the availability of silver in India is found in-
Who among the following rulers had embraced Jainism?
The ‘Servants of India Society’ was the brainchild of which of the following leaders?
Identify the dam that is located in South India.
Which of the following statements given below about the post-Mauryan period is correct?
Atal Bhujal Yojana (ATAL JAL) is being implemented as a Central Sector Scheme under Which ministry
Consider the following statements in the context of the rule ofNandas:
1. Alexander invaded North-Western India during their reign
2. ...
Megalithic monuments have been identified in -
The ancient Indian legal document Manusmriti was written in which language?
In the Third Battle of Panipat, who emerged victorious against the Marathas?