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As per the information given below, the correct answer is option C. It seems little is going to prove a distraction to Max Verstappen on what appears to be an increasingly inexorable march to his third Formula One championship. Certainly the inconvenience of heavy rain at the Monaco Grand Prix only brought out the best in the world champion as he dominated once more on the streets of Monte Carlo to win a race saved from the usual tiresome procession by welcome late drama when the heavens opened. After what had been a gripping qualifying on Saturday, a fearsome, thrilling, sudden-death shootout that was impossible to ignore, the race for a large part of the afternoon had every indication of delivering the usual line-astern anticlimax on the streets of the principality. F1’s long‑acclaimed jewel in the crown once more revealed to be a dusty, flawed, shabby piece of paste, changing hands in the back room of a pub. When the rain came, however, the jeopardy, the drama was once more all too real and the fearsome challenge riveting.
Total number of Umbrella sold in cities C and D together is approximately what percent of the total number of Raincoat sold in cities A and F together?
35, 54, 92, 149, ?, 320
If the number of laptops sold by shop F is 50% of the total number of laptops sold by shop B and the number of laptops sold by shop G is 3/4th of the t...
If 30% of the TV sold by shopkeeper S and 25% of the refrigerator sold by shopkeeper S are defective, then find the total number of non-defective items ...
On Monday, if difference between the time taken by the boat to go upstream and the time taken by the boat to go downstream is 15 hours, find the total t...
What is the angle made at the centre by the sector showing the number of laptops sold by shop A?
What is the average number of matte lipsticks sold by Colorbar, Mac and Maybelline together in the month of April 2022?
P and Q start from point A to point B, at the same time at speeds of 32 km/h and 40 km/h, respectively. If in covering the journey P takes 30 minutes l...
Find the ratio between the Private vehicles travelled in 2012 and the Public vehicles travelled in 2013.
If number of Apsara pencils sold on Monday and Thursday is 170 and 80 respectively, then find the total number of Natraj pencils sold on Monday and Thur...