As per the information given below, the correct answer is option C. Leader of the House, Rajya Sabha and Union Minister for Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Textiles, Shri Piyush Goyal inaugurated the two-day National Workshop on National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA), organized by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, in the Convention Hall, The Ashok, Hotel, New Delhi, today. Sh. Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister for Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Coal and Mines and Sh. V. Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs graced the occasion. Sh. V. Srinivas, IAS, Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances and Shri Gudey Srinivas, IAS, Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs, Secretaries of State Governments, Secretaries of State Legislatures and National Informatics Centre representatives were also present on the occasion. Addressing the delegates in the inaugural session, Shri Piyush Goyal said that NeVA will empower legislatures with knowledge and information that will save time and connect all the legislatures in the country from anywhere-anytime. This will help them to share their experience, knowledge and practices for the betterment of citizens of India. Shri Goyal said that being the largest democracy of the world, NeVA will serve our legislatures as One Nation One Application. We must rise above party politics while implementing projects like NeVA which benefits both institutions and the country as a whole. He requested for early onboarding of NeVA by all State Legislatures irrespective of political affiliations.
निर्देश : निम्नलिखित वाक्य को ,(a ) (b ), (c ),(c )और (e ) में विभक...
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