Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi participated in the third in-person Quad Leaders’ Summit in Hiroshima, Japan on 20 May 2023, along with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan and President Joseph Biden of the United States of America. The Leaders had a productive dialogue about developments in the Indo-Pacific which affirmed their shared democratic values and strategic interests. Guided by their vision for a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific, they reiterated the importance of upholding the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and peaceful resolution of disputes. In this context, they released the Quad Leaders’ Vision Statement – Enduring Partners for the Indo-Pacific” which articulates their principled approach.
What is the name of the campaign started by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Central TB Division, Ministry of Health on 7th January 2022 fo...
Under the provisions of the Mines Act, 1952, the Special Officer can enter a mine for the purpose of surveying, levelling and measuring, after giving pr...
The main (chief) social unit of the Aryans was ______.
Which is the largest continental shelf in the world?
The White blood cells in human blood are also called:
The term ‘secular’ was added to the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by _________.
The "Twin Balance Sheet Problem" in India refers to the stress on which two sectors?
Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
How many dance forms have been acknowledged by Sangeet Natak Akademi as classical dance forms of India as on November 2020?
Who is the publisher of the Ride, a racing video game?