In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister’s Learn and Earn scheme – will be launched to teach employable skills to the youth. In the scheme, 703 work areas have been identified for training. The most important aspect of this learn-and-earn scheme is that along with learning skills, the youth will also be given an allowance of Rs 8,000 to 10,000. At least one lakh youth will be provided training under the scheme. About Madhya Pradesh Capital: Bhopal Chief minister: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Governor: Mangubhai C. Patel
Match the following rivers with their respective tributaries:
On which date ‘World Turtle Day’ is celebrated every year to spread awareness about turtles?
The Nehru Trophy Boat Race is held in ________.
What is India’s rank on the 2023 AI Preparedness Index?
Which of the following country has recently become the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?
Petr Fiala is anticipated to be the Guest of Honour at the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit. Identify the country of which he is the Prime M...
Match the following environmental protocols with their respective objectives:
Who has been declared as the National Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Icon by the Election Commission?
Which ruler founded the city of Hisar in Haryana?
The joint military exercise "Vajra Prahar" is conducted between India and: