The 131.5 kilometer long pipeline has been constructed for importing diesel from India, 126.5 km of which is in Bangladesh and 5 km in India.The IBFPL project aims to facilitate the transportation of imported fuel oil and reduce its transport costs for Bangladesh.
How many such pair(s) of letters are there in the word ‘COMBINED’ which has as many letters between them as in the alphabetical series?
Each consonant of the word ‘SYNONYMOUS’ is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series and each vowel is changed to the next l...
If all the vowels in the word ‘RAVISHING’ are changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical order and all the consonants remain the same th...
If each of the digits in the number '498953627' are arranged in ascending order from left to right, what will be the difference between the digits, whi...
Select the combination of numbers that when placed sequentially in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
D E _ G H E _ G _ I _...
If each vowel of the word TOWARDS is changed to its next vowel in the English alphabets and each consonant is changed to its previous vowel of the Engli...
In the given number ‘546786434’ if ‘2’ is added to each odd number and ‘1’ is subtracted to each even number then how many digits are not re...
If in the number 67389872, all digits are arranged in increasing order from left to right then how many digit remain same place in the new arrangement?
Which of the following pairs of numbers and signs, when their positions are interchanged, will correctly solve the given mathematical equation?
If we add one to all the even digits of the number "85933376854" and then arrange them in descending order from the right end. Then what is the sum of ...