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Sberbank, Russia’s top lender, has announced that individuals can now open accounts in Indian rupees, as the bank looks to decrease its reliance on the US dollar and euro. Sberbank has more than 100 million retail clients and already offers deposits in China’s yuan and UAE dirhams.
A can complete a task 40% more efficiently in 25 days, whereas B, with a 25% efficiency boost, can finish the same task in 21 days. They collaborated at...
Virat can do a piece of work in 30 days and Sachin can do the same work in 45 days. If Virat works for 5 days and got Rs. 2100, and the remaining work w...
Amit manages to reach 25% of a sales goal in 6 days, whereas Geeta can achieve 40% of the same goal within the same timeframe. How long would it take fo...
8 men working 6 hours a day can complete a piece of work in 6 days. If efficiency of each woman is 20% more than that of each man, then how many women w...
Ratio of the work done by P, Q and R in one day is 5:3:7 respectively. They all together can complete the work in 35 days. Q and R worked on it for 20 d...
Ashish and Anil can do a piece of work in 10 days and 18 days respectively. Ashish completed 75% of the work. Find the time taken by Anil to complete th...
A’ and ‘B’ together can complete a work in 18 days while ‘A’ takes 36 days to complete the same work alone. If ‘C’ is 50% more efficient t...
Virat can do a piece of work in 20 days and Sachin can do the same work in 30 days. If Virat works for 4 days and got Rs. 2400, and the remaining work w...
A person travelled for the first 150 km at a certain speed in 6 hours. After that, the speed of the person decreased by 6 km/h. If the person took a tot...
X men can complete the piece of work in 50 days and (X + 51) men can complete the same work in 30 days less than that of days taken by X men. Find the v...