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Sberbank, Russia’s top lender, has announced that individuals can now open accounts in Indian rupees, as the bank looks to decrease its reliance on the US dollar and euro. Sberbank has more than 100 million retail clients and already offers deposits in China’s yuan and UAE dirhams.
How is A related to B?
I. C has two daughters and D is one of them who is married to A.
II. C is mother of B, who is younger sister of D.
In a certain code language, “Hotelier Collapsed died” is coded as “wd cx bs”. “Collapsed Jobs while exercising” is coded as “yq mr cx ko...
Eight cartons contain eight different items (Pens, Rubber band, Tiffin box, Purse, Wallet, Watches, Shoes and Shirts). Each of them is kept one above an...
Six persons J, K, L, M, N and O are sitting around a circular table, are they all facing the centre?
I. J sits second to the left of O. M sits ...
How is ‘oral’ written in a code language?
I. ‘ oral and written’ is written as ‘ ho jo ko’ in that code language.
II. ‘...
Statements: M > N, M > P, O = N
Conclusions: I. P > M II. O < M
...All girls and boys of a class are standing in a row. What is the position of Siddharth among boys from the front of the row?
I. John is 13th...
How is B related to C?
I. C and D are the sons of E. B is son of E’s father.
II. E is sister of B and mother of D, who is brother of C.
S, B, T, H, M and R are sitting around a circular table. S, Band M are males while the rest are females. Who are the neighbours of S?
I. T does n...
Given below is a question followed by two statements numbered (I) and (II), each containing some information. Decide which of the statements), is/are su...