DD India and All India Radio have been acknowledged as the most dependable electronic media entities in the nation in accordance with the 2023 issue of the Reuters Institute’s Digital News Report. The report indicates that although overall news trust has decreased by 3 percentage points, public broadcasters and print brands have managed to preserve a comparatively higher level of credibility among the public.
Which of the following is an entity that essentially helps banks to transfer the credit risk by buying their bad debts at mutually agreed value?
Which of the following is not a feature of a company?
Consider the following about National Pension System (NPS) Trust:
I. NPS Trust is a specialized division of Pension Fund Regulatory and Develo...
Small Finance banks need to maintain what percentage of Capital adequacy ratio in order to meet one of the conditions to be eligible to get into Authori...
IRDAI is the regulator for insurance sector in India. It’s board consists of 10 members including a chairperson, five whole time members and four par...
What is the primary distinction between factoring and forfaiting?
What was the value of goods and services procured from MSEs by CPSEs in 2023-24?
Which of the following term is used when net borrowing ceiling for states has been fixed at 4% of the projected GSDP for FY 2021-22?
W hat is the theme of World Hindi Day in 2024?
What was the value of India's outward FDI commitments in March 2024 according to RBI data?