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Recently, the NCP led by Sharad Pawar filed a disqualification petition against the nine NCP MLAs who joined the BJP-Sena government. Article 102 of the Constitution of India lays down the grounds under which a legislator may be disqualified from being a member of the house. Features of the Anti-Defection Law: A legislator belonging to a political party will be disqualified if he: A member is not disqualified if he has taken prior permission of his party, or if the voting or abstention is condoned by the party within 15 days. Independent members will be disqualified if they join a political party after getting elected to the House. Nominated members will be disqualified if they join any political party six months after getting nominated.
Select the letter triad from the given options which follows the same relation as shown below.
(HK, EH, BE)
A is the son-in-law of B, whose son is D. D is the brother of C, whose only daughter is E. How is C related to A?
In each of the given number-clusters, the number on the right side of '=' (the equal to sign) is calculated by performing certain mathematical operation...
Five to four in the following are similar in a certain way, so a group is formed.
Which of these is not related to this group?
In the following question, select the figure which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.
If ‘+’ means ‘divided by’. ‘ ̶ ’ means ‘added to’, ‘×’ means ‘subtracted from’ and ‘÷’ means ‘multiplied by’, what wi...
Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the given series based on the English alphabetical order?
In a code language, 'AMIT' is coded as 86 and 'VIJAY' is coded as 134. How will 'GARIMA' be coded in the same language?