Recently, the Prime Minister unveiled the Bharat 6G Alliance (B6GA). It is a collaborative platform that aims to achieve universal and affordable connectivity, promote indigenous technology, and establish India as a global leader in the telecom sector. It consists of public and private companies, research institutions, and standards with a focus on the development of 6G technology in India. Objectives: Establish India as a global leader in affordable 6G telecom solutions Identify priority areas for 6G research based on India’s competitive advantages To support the advancement of 6G technology, the government has allocated a grant of 240.51 crores through the Telecom Technology Development Fund scheme.
Name the another pointing device which is an alternative to mouse?
Which cryptographic algorithm is commonly used for securing internet communications, including web browsers and email?
In the context of cloud computing, what does the acronym "IaaS" stand for?
A _____________ can display an application's most timely or otherwise relevant information at a glance, on a user's Home screen.
try-catch-finally is a term associated with
Which of the following is a multi-user System software (OS)?
What type of E-commerce model assists people to instantly share related computer files and computer sources without having to interact with central web ...
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to switch to the last tab of the Chromebrowser?
The electronic path, that connect one part of computer to another is _____
.................. is any technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of network connections and connected systems.