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The General Body of the International Esports Federation (IESF) has elected Lokesh Suji, Director of the Esports Federation of India (ESFI) and Vice President of the Asian Esports Federation (AESF) to its Membership Committee for a three-year term. The International Esports Federation was founded in 2008, its purpose is to promote esports.
Out of 800 students in school, 10% students like samosa only and 20% students like samosa and momos both. If 42% students don’t like any snacks then f...
There are two slabs of income tax, 8% tax for income up to 3 lakh and 12.5% for income above 3 lakh. Akhil tried to evade tax by hiding some of the inco...
If 40% of 'p' is equal to 'q', then what percentage of 40 is equal to 'p'?
In a test comprising 200 questions, four marks are awarded for every question answered correctly. The number of marks deducted for every question answer...
Suyash have total amount of Rs.2800 out of which, he spent 25% on food, 30% of the rest on travelling. Out of remaining amount he spends Rs.800 on misce...
A company has a certain number of employees. Initially, 60% of the employees were assigned to the research department, 20% to the marketing department, ...
A number is first increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%. If the net change in the number is 128, then find the original number.
Ajay spent 35% of his monthly income on rent and 48% of the remaining on food and the rest amount is saved by him which is Rs. 2873, then find the month...
Out of 650 students in school, 20% students like samosa only and 30% students like samosa and momos both. If 40% students don’t like any snacks then f...
A spent 20% of his monthly income on study and 72% of the remaining on rent. If amount spent on rent is Rs. 2016, then find the amount spent on study