The correct answer is A
Frontal offset test in Bharat New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) is performed at a speed of ________.
Identify the first insurance company established in India.
BBB statement based question?
1. The Governor of RBI is the Chairman of BBB.
2. BBB recommends for the selection of heads for Public Sec...
By whom among the following personalities who lived in the White House is ‘Living History’ a famous book written?
‘The Race of My life’ is the autobiography of which Indian athlete?
Which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India states that the Parliament has exclusive powers to make laws with respect to any of the mat...
Which of the following is not an example of Point Source of pollution?
The term 'Olympiad' expresses the period of ___________ years.
The RIDF (Rural Infrastructure Development Fund) was set up by the Government in 1995-96 for financing ongoing rural infrastructure projects and is man...
Mando is a form of folk songs from the state of ______.