The Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Department has launched a 'Mobile Van Program' as part of the 'Prakritik Kheti Khushhal Kisan Yojana' to promote environmentally friendly and natural farming practices. This initiative, launched in Shimla, aims to supply fresh, organic vegetables directly to consumers while also encouraging organic and chemical-free farming.
What is the time frame within which a Payment Service Provider (PSP) must commence operations after receiving the Certificate of Authorization from IFSCA?
Which of the following is applicable on Dynamic QR code of on B2C invoices under GST applicable from July 2021?
According to the Budget 2023-24, how much amount was allocated to the Atmanirbhar Clean Plant Program to boost the availability of disease-free, quality...
When the auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually or in aggregate, are both material a...
Punishment' and 'negative reinforcement' are:
Which of the following correctly describes Transfer Pricing?
In the context of company finances, there is a specific portion of the company's capital that is reserved and can only be called up under particular cir...
Consider the following about the Green growth:
I. Setting up 10,000 bio- inputs resource centres-to facilitate farmers to adopt natural farming...
Consider the following Statements and choose the option with correct Statements.
I- Jal Jeevan Mission was launched in 2019 as a Central Sector ...
Which of the following is not-non planned expenditure?