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Thangka paintings are important tools to depict Buddha and his teachings as well as that of other deities and bodhisattvas. The most prominent subject is the Bhavachakra (Wheel of Life) which is how the Art of Enlightenment is visually represented.
If x −y =4and xy =45,thenthevalueof x 3 −y3is:
If 4x + 1/3x = 12 then find the value of 9x2 +1/16x2.
If x + y = 4 and (1/x) + (1/y) = 24/7, then the value of (x3 + y3).
If 0.125x3 +0.216y3 = 210 and 0.25x2 + 0.36y2 = 10.30 then find the value of 0.5x + 0.6y.
If 2x + y = 10 and 3x - 2y = 5, find the value of x + y.
Fing the value of:
[(1024)(n/5) × (4)(2n+1) ] / [(16)n × (4)(n-1) ]
If 125x3 - 64y3 = (Ax + By) (Dy2 - Cx2 + 20xy) , then the value of A + C - 2B + 3D is:
The coefficient of ‘b2’ in (3a + b)3 is
In a club of singers and dancers, 10% of the artists are absent on a particular day and 90% of the present artists are dancers. If 2,250 singers are pr...