In the name “Aditya-L1,” the term “L1” signifies its designated location, specifically Lagrange Point 1 (L1), situated within the Sun-Earth system. These Lagrange Points denote unique positions where the gravitational forces of two celestial bodies, namely the Sun and Earth, are perfectly balanced.
In the given number ‘481574327’ if ‘2’ is added to each odd number and ‘1’ is subtracted to each even number then how many digits are repea...
In the given number ‘453976394’ if ‘2’ is subtracted from each odd number and ‘2’ is added to each even number then how many digits are rep...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘GOVERNOR’ which has as many letters between them in English alphabetical series (both in forward an...
If all the prime digits of the number 7584969684 are written first (in increasing order) followed by even digits(in increasing order) and then odd digit...
If the number ‘64893875’, One is subtracted in odd digit and one is added in even digit of the number then numbers are arranged in ascending order f...
If second letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word” TRANSCRIPT” which have as many letters between them in the word as in alphabetical series?
If all the letters of the word ‘SKETCHING’ are arranged in the alphabetical order starting from the left end then how many consonants appear at the ...
How many such pair(s) of letters are there in the word ‘COMBINED’ which has as many letters between them as in the alphabetical series?