Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Kailash Chaudhary launched PM Kisan AI-Chatbot (Kisan e-Mitra) in New Delhi. The AI chatbot will provide information about the schemes of the ministry as well as help in resolving complaints.
Who among the following lives two floors above the floor on which A lives in the same flat?
Choose the correct statement.
What is the designation of RAMAN?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
Six persons N, O, P, Q, R and S live in a six storey building but not necessarily in the same order. The bottommost floor is numbered as 1st and the top...
How many males were younger than the person who went to Dehradun?
Which of the following is Correct?
What is the position of the box with red?
On which floor does the person live who likes Shreya ghoshal?
What is the difference between the floor number of O and N?