The Film Federation of India has nominated the Malayalam film "2018: Everyone is a Hero", based on the Kerala floods, as India's official entry for the Academy Awards (Oscars) in 2024. '2018' is the first Malayalam film to cross the fastest Rs 100 crore mark. Now this film will lead India in the Academy Awards.
The company is planning (1)/ to open its new branch (2)/ on the downtown area (3)/ by next month. (4)
The shift towards contactless is not only (A)/ an attempt to drive adoption, but to (B)/ remove legacy challenges that had constrained (C)/ growth...
Directions: In the following questions, two sentences divided into two parts each, are given. Any two of these parts have grammatical errors. Choose ...
For a man in (A)/eminent danger of (B)/losing his job, he (C)/appeared quite unruffled (D).
In each of the questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts, one of which may contain an error. Identify that fragment and mark it as your an...
The apex bank hiked banks provisioning requirement for 2.75 percent from the existing 2 percent on restructured standard loan accounts.
Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains a grammatical error. If there is no error, select 'No error'.
The audience were beginning to...
The future of food companies seems quite secure owed to ever–growing demand.
It is aimed at sensitising and inspiring (1)/the younger generation about (2)/the leadership, vision and achievements (3)/of all our prime minister (4).
Had he known more about the policies of the company, he might not have accepted the offer.