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Governor-General Lord Hastings (1813-1823) initiated a new policy of paramountcy. The policy asserted the Governor General's right to intervene in the internal affairs of the Indian princely states, and to supersede their authority if necessary. This was in contrast to the previous policy of non-interference.
What converts an entire program into machine language?
What is the purpose of a device driver in an operating system?
From which panel you can insert Header and Footer in MS Word 2016?
While __________, data transfers from the customers' machine to the server.
What is the full form of UNIVAC?
____________ displays a list of utility configure the computer system and install software and hardware.
What is the extension to save Database?
Which of the following is NOT an example of e-mail service provider?
I. Outlook
II. Gmail
III. Yandex
Which of the following is an Object Oriented Programming Language?
A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed