Bhopal, a city in the state of Madhya Pradesh, has become the first city in India to adopt the localization of the United Nations-mandated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Localizing the SDGs involves aligning these global goals with local development priorities and initiatives to address specific challenges and promote sustainable development at the city level. This step by Bhopal signifies its commitment to addressing various social, economic, and environmental issues in line with the SDGs.
Statements: L > M = N > O, O > P ≥ T = R
I. L > T
II. L ≥ R
If 'A' means ' X ', 'B' means '-', 'C' means '÷', and 'D' means '+', then what is the value of the expression:
34 A (20 C 5) B (14 D 5)}
If you are the 25th person in a queue from one end and 36th from the other end, what is the total number of persons in the queue?
Statements: L ≥ M = N > O, R < M ≤ P > Q
I. O ≥ Q
II. R < L
Which two numbers and two signs should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?
22 - 8 + 12 x 6 + 20 = 104
If the expression ‘S * O % Q @ P, S & N @ M and L # M’ are true, then how is L’s only niece related to the person married to P?
Out of the following five figures, four are alike in some manner and one differs from these in that manner. Select the odd figure.
If all the digits of the number '65735824843' are written in increasing order from the left end, then what is the sum of third digit from the right end ...
In a certain code language, ‘UMBRELLA’ is written as ‘PWUDOGDN’. How will ‘SWEATING’ be written in that language?
It is a popular misconception that nuclear fusion power is free of radioactivity; in fact the deuterium-tritium reaction that nuclear scientists are cur...