According to the official release, Nitin Gupta will remain on the post of CBDT Chairman till June 30, 2024. Nitin Gupta is an Indian Revenue Service officer of 1986 batch
Quantity of soil to be taken for texture analysis
Initiation of soil movement in wind erosion takes place under
The Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) is an autonomous body set up by the leading packaging and allied industries and the Department of Commerce, Gov...
DMI stands for
Lean-to, Even span, Uneven span, Ridge and furrow, Saw tooth and Quonset are the types of greenhouses based on:
Turgidity of a cell is maintained by:
Chlorophyll.a,usually appears:
The sewage and sludge contains an average NPK content of
(A) 2.0 to 3.0% N. 1.0% P2 O3 and 1.0% K2 O
(B) 2.0 to 4.0% N. 2.0% P2 O3 an...
Which of the following weed species causes a major threat to sorghum production?
What is the process of bees converting nectar into honey called?