Recently, researchers opinioned that the Haploclastusnilgirinusa species of tarantula could be under threat from habitat loss and climate change. It is an elusive Nilgiri large burrowing spider and a venomous species of tarantula. It is threatened by the illegal trade in wildlife as well as by climate change
132, 136, 109, 125, 2, 36
11, 1341, 3070, 5267, 8011, 11386
124, 186, 375, 930, 2790, 9765
17, 33, 69, 133, 233, 370
1582, 1616, 1658, 1708, 1756, 1812
217 210 236 299 423 640
...21, 32, 45, 60, 75, 96
9 17 53 103 310 619
...Find the wrong number in given number series.
7, 8, 27, 215,997, 8988.
154 165 143 175 132 187