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Under Operation 'Ajay', the Government of India has launched a campaign to bring Indian citizens trapped in Israel safely to India. 212 Indians have been brought safely from Israel in the first flight.
Which of the given statements is/are the after effects of the Quit India movement?
1. After the Quit India Movement, the British realized that...
Who is known as the 'Iron Man of India'.
Which Indian freedom fighter served in the British Army during the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa?
Who was the first President of India, also notable for his role in the Champaran Satyagraha and as the President of the Constituent Assembly?
Who famously expressed the desire to 'wipe every tear from every eye'?
With reference to the various activities during the Quit India movement, consider the following statements.
1. Underground activities were undert...
Who was the Governor-General of India during the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857?
What was the primary aim of the Hindustan Republican Association formed in 1924?
Iyothee Thass co-founded the 'Dravida Mahajana Sabha' in 1891 with which other social reformer?
Consider the following statements with reference to the lacunas of Sepoy mutiny 1857:
1. They lacked coherent ideologies and political perspect...