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The Ministry of Education, Government of India has released All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2020-2021. The Ministry has been conducting All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) since 2011, covering all higher educational institutions located in Indian Territory and imparting higher education in the country. The total enrollment in higher education has increased to nearly 4.14 crore in 2020-21 from 3.85 crore in 2019-20. Since 2014-15, there has been an increase of around 72 Lakh in the enrolment (21%). The Female enrolment has increased to 2.01 crore from 1.88 crore in 2019-20. There has been an increase of around 44 Lakh (28%) since 2014-15. The percentage of female enrolment to total enrolment has increased from 45% in 2014-15 to around 49% in 2020-21. As per 2011 population projections for 18-23 years age group, GER has increased to 27.3 from 25.6 in 2019-20. The enrolment of SC students is 58.95 Lakh as compared to 56.57 Lakh in 2019-20 and 46.06 Lakh in 2014-15. The enrolment of ST students has increased to 24.1 Lakh in 2020-21 from 21.6 Lakh in 2019-20 and 16.41 Lakh in 2014-15.
Lack of civic-mindedness or of patriotism
There was no room to swing a cat in the party.
Crocodile tears
Economists argue about a lot of things, yet many would probably see eye to eye on the benefits of free trade, which generates wealth by allow...
Select the correct meaning of the given idiom.
On a roll
A bed of roses
In each question below, a sentence is given with an idiom/phrase printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is follo...
She can’t keep her head above water with all of the new orders.
A formal expression of disapproval
We are on talks with several Indian companies for setting up a joint venture to provide the full range of post-guarantee maintenance and repair servic...