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E-rupee worth ₹16.39 crore in circulation as of March 2023: RBI As per data from RBI’s Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy for FY23, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or e-rupee worth ₹16.39 crore is in circulation as of March 2023. Of the total e-rupee circulation, ₹10.69 crore was wholesale CBDC whereas ₹5.70 crore was retail CBDC. The circulation was highest for ₹500 CBDC notes at ₹2.71 crore, followed by ₹200 notes at 1.16 per cent.
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निर्देश: नीचे दिये गये प्रश्न को चार भागो मे बाँटा गया है (A),...
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