The RBI has cancelled the licence of Mumbai-based The Kapol Co-operative Bank Limited as the lender does not have adequate capital and earning prospects.
When is National Science Day observed?
Which Indian dance form is characterized by elements of martial arts, acrobatics, and athleticism?
Recently norms related to Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) has been relaxed for companies facing insolvency process. The provision of MAT is in:
Who has been appointed as the chairperson of Indian National Space Promotion Authorization Centre (In-SPACe)?
Who is appointed as the next high commissioner from India to Canada?
In which year was the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) founded?
1. Which of the following bank organized an event called 'YES! I am the CHANGE' (YIAC)?
Which of the following is the capital of Romania?
SEBI got established in 1988 and got statutory powers in 1992
The Highest War point of the World lies in: