Malayalam survival drama 2018: Everyone is a Hero has been chosen as India’s official entry to the best foreign language film category at the 96th Academy Awards, making it only the fourth film from the language to be chosen for the honour. Before this, Guru (1997), directed by Rajiv Anchal and starring Mohanlal; Adaminte Makan Abu (2011), directed by Salim Ahamed; and Jallikattu (2019), filmed by Lijo Jose Pellissery, were chosen as the country’s official entry for the Oscars, but none of these films got nominated.
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Who has got the title of the man of the match in the World cup series?
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A new Himalayan snake species was named after which Hollywood actor for his environmental work?
Which organization won the AFC President’s Recognition Award for Grassroots Football in the Bronze Category at the AFC Annual Awards in Doha?
What is the purpose of the agreement signed between Google Pay and NPCI International Payments?
PARVAZ Market Linkage Scheme has been launched by which state/UT?
What percentage of the total cost for the ₹1.45 lakh crore capital acquisition proposals approved by the Defence Acquisition Council will come from in...
The maiden Joint Military Exercise FRINJEX-23 between Indian Army and French Army will be conducted at Pangode Military Station, _________.
Who is credited with subduing both resurgent Islamists and a once meddlesome military in Bangladesh?