Recently The Pentagon (USA's Department of Defense) has announced the latest test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile to "showcase" its nuclear capability It is a strategic weapon system using a ballistic missile of intercontinental range and first became operational in the early 1970s
Select the option in which figure is embedded.
Select the option figure which is embedded in the given figure. (Rotation is not allowed).
In each of the following questions from the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
In each of the following questions, you are given a figure (X) followed by four alternative figures (1), (2), (3) and (4) such that figure (X) is embed...
Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is allowed).
Select the option in which the given figure is embedded.
Find out the alternative figure which contains the given figure as its part.
Find out the alternative figure which contains the given figure as its part.
Select the option in which the given figure is embedded.