A team of researchers recently discovered two rock-cut Shaivite temple caves older than Elephanta near Ratnagiri. The Elephanta Caves are located in Western India on Elephanta Island (otherwise known as the Island of Gharapuri), about 7 kms from Mumbai’s mainland shore. The rock-cut Elephanta Caves were constructed in the mid-5th to 6th centuries AD and most of them are dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The caves are an expression of art and a number of important imageries are sculpted here, which include 'Trimurti' or three-headed Shiva, 'Gangadhar' which is a manifestation of the river Ganga as she descends to the earth and 'Ardhnareshwar', which is a representation of Shiva and Parvati in the same body.
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