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Trilok Singh Basera was born on 18 October 1934 in the small village Bhandari of Devalthal in Pithoragarh to farmer Laxman Singh Basera and mother Kaushalya Basera. in the mountain
When no interest is specified in the instrument, interest on the amount due thereon, shall be calculated at the rate of__________________ as per the NI ...
The doctrine of indoor management is an ______to the doctrine of constructive notice
According to Section 36(4) of the Code on Wages, 2019, what is the purpose of carrying forward excess allocable surplus or minimum bonus to the succeedi...
As per Art. 348 of the Indian Constitution, language of Supreme Court and High Court shall be____________
In which Article of the Constitution of India, it has been mentioned that "this Constitution may be called the Constitution of India."
Giving shelter, food, clothing, etc. to evade arrest of person charged of an offence is an offence under the Indian Penal Code and it termed as :
Which of the following is an exception to the doctrine of privity of contract rule _______________?
A sells a property owned by him to B and C. B and C are different buyers and have purchased the property in two unequal halves with different amount of ...
For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the Supreme Court may issue a/an__________________ as per the Constitutional provisions
What does misrepresentation mean as laid down under the Contract Act?