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Only statement 1 is correct : In the Delhi Sultanate, the task of collecting revenue directly from peasant and measurement of land rested on Amils. Iqta system evolved in West Asia significantly in Persia. Mir Bhakshi was the head of militiary department in Mughal India whereas in Delhi Sultanate, Ariz under Diwan-i-arz (set up by Balban) was improved by Alauddin Khalji as he introduced Dagh system which was aimed to improve Horse quality as well as eliminate fake numbering
The offspring produced by the mating of two different breeds of the same species is known as:
Which method is most suitable for polygenic traits?
Tissue culture is common commercial propagation method in
Sunflower is a ______crop.
Which stage in the retail life cycle is characterized by higher expenses and a lower selling stage?
Synthesis of ATP in mitochondria requires
Number of stamens in green gram is:
Extension Education Institute for North India is located at:
HD 2329 is a variety of:
Flumes are preferred for