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The Supreme Court recently ruled that 'panchnamas' would be deemed inadmissible in a court of law if they were prepared in a manner violative of Section 162 CrPC The word PANCHNAMA literally means “record of observation by five people” A Panchnama is a document having legal bearings that records evidences and findings that an officer makes at the scene of an offence/crime
All books are pages.
Some notes are books.
All assignments are notes.
I. At least som...
Only hands are legs
Few hands are arms
All arms are shoulders
I. Some hands are shoulder...
Statements: All affects are effects.
All effects are reactions.
Only few savers are depositors
Few depositors are chequers
Only chequers are senders
I. Some...
No plant is a tree.
No tree is a shrub.
No shrub is a herb.
Conclusions: ...
Statements: Some doors are rods.
Some rods are curtains.
Statements: Some dogs are cats.
No camel is a rat.
All cats are camels.
Conclusions: I. All dogs may be camels.
II. Some ...
Some tablets are laptops.
All laptops are mobiles.
No mobile is a notepad.
I. Some tablet...
All badmintons are rackets.
Some rackets are rubbers.
No rubber is a string.
I. Some strin...