Recently, V.O. Chidambaranar Port Authority Tamil Nadu successfully received and handled Green Ammonia Containers from Damietta Port, Egypt It is produced by using hydrogen from water electrolysis and nitrogen separated from the air Fuel for engines such as locomotives and shipping, replacing diesel and marine fuel oil. Fuel source for electricity power generation Green ammonia production is where the process of making ammonia is 100% renewable and carbon-free
Total budgetary allocation for Swatch Bharat Mission 2.0 for the period 2021-26 is
The excess of which of the following gases causes acid rain in the environment?
Which one of the following is NOT a quality parameter of rice grain?
Which entomopathogens fungus role as biological control agent in cotton bollworm?
Intermittent on and off system is followed in _________irrigation system.
A weather modification technique that improves a cloud's ability to produce rain or snow is:
Where is Indian institute of vegetable research situated?
Which nutrient stimulates the root growth of a plant?
India ranks ____ in rice production in the world.
The Rhizobium species suitable for soybean crop is