The government recently extended the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) scheme for another five years. It was launched by the Indian government in April 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is designed to provide financial assistance to economically weaker sections affected by the pandemic. As per the scheme, the government offers 5 kg of free food grains each month in addition to the subsidised ration given to families covered by the Public Distribution System under the National Food Security Act.
Who provided the earliest demonstration of disease resistance as a character transmissible from parent to offspring in the Mendelian fashion?
Authorities jointly responsible for implementation and enforcement of FSSA, 2006.
Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT) is generally used in:
The finfish which contributes maximum to the global aquaculture is
The quantum of _____________ does not change with the level of production or irrespective of the level of enterprises taken up.
What chemical constituent is responsible for the major biting taste of black pepper?
Which of the following is not the characteristics of perfect market?
The bacterial disease, citrus greening is spread by _____ vector.
The difference between the current assets and current liabilities of a business is defined as:
Which type of subsidy are categorized under blue box?