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Recently, the Tamil Nadu government has installed a statue of Dalit rights and anti-caste activist Iyothee Thass Pandithar at Gandhi Mandapam in Chennai. In the 1870s, he organized the Todas and other tribes of the Nilgiri Hills into a formidable force for the freedom movement. In 1876, he established the Advaidananda Sabha and launched a magazine called Dravida Pandian in collaboration with Rev. John Rathina. He established the “Dravida Mahajana Sabha '' in 1891 along with Rettamalai Srinivasan. He established the Sakya Buddhist Society in Madras with branches all over South India. The Sakya Buddhist Society was also known as the Indian Buddhist Association and was established in the year 1898.
Laggards contribute about how much % in innovation adaptation curve?
Where is the Central Institute for Agriculture Engineering located?
………. was launched in India on the occasion of ICAR golden jubilee celebration year
...What percentage of the world's cotton area does India have under cultivation?
Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was launched by the Govt. of India with its effect from
Example of audio visual aid is
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
The term ‘LEISA’ is related to:
Nitrate reductase is found in: