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In 2023-24, state's share in central taxes is estimated at Rs 11,420 crore, an increase of 8% over the revised estimate of 2022-23. Grants from the centre in 2023-24 are estimated at Rs 20,893 crore, an increase of 7% over the revised estimates for 2022-23.
The ultimate source of production of organic compound:
Winter wheat is grown in
Red leaf in cotton is caused due to deficiency
Which of the following disease is caused by viroid
The scientific study of diseases in plants, identification of the pathogen and their management is known as
What is the inflorescence of sugarcane?
Which agro climatic region has highest intensity of agriculture in the country?
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture is situated at
Which of the following weed causes Dropsy disease in humans?
The movement and filtration of water through soils and permeable rock is termed as